Greetings, Here's NGCN Lab

Next-Generation Communication
And Networking Laboratory

Research Topics

Blockchain Networks

Using Blockchain's Features To Develop Diiferent Domain Application.

5G/6G Wireless
and Mobile Networks

Implementing 5G/6G into Applications Of AI, Automation, IOT, etc.

Broadband Cellular Networks

Wireless Broadband Networks Anomaly Detection And Distribution.

Performance Modeling
and Analysis

Design, Development and Optimization of Communication Systems and Applications.

About Us


National Science and Technology Council
  1. 具隱私保護之邊緣智慧運算與學習的空中物聯網佈建規劃 (Aerial Internet of Things Deployment with Edge Intelligence Enabled Privacy-Preserving Computing and Learning), Principal Investigator, 2023/08/01~2025/07/31
Ministry of Science and Technology
  1. 實現人工智慧物聯網之飛行基地台前沿佈建規劃(Realization of the Cutting-Edge Deployment of Flying Base Stations in Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things (AIoT)), Principal Investigator,2021/08/01~2023/07/31
Onyx Healthcare Inc.
  1. 基於MD101智慧醫療系統之軟韌體開發, Co-Principal Investigator, 2023/10/01 ~2024/06/30
Industrial Technology Research Institute
  1. 6G確定性網路, Principal Investigator, 2022/09/01 ~2023/01/31

